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The run up for Surefire.Sound at Corsica Studios on the 18th Feb starts here with this exclusive mix from Joe Muggs. Here's what the man himself has to say about it:
"I was quite surprised to realise that despite far too many years tinkering around in the music world, I'd never done a mix for general public download. So given this is a debut of sorts, I thought I should do something different with it. It would have been all too easy to draw for all the latest promos, whack them into Ableton to disguise my rudimentary mixing skills and give you a mix of “post” this, “future” that and “UK” the other – but where would be the fun in that?
Instead, I've looked back to something that turned me onto the possibilities of DJing in the first place: my teenage experiences of having my mind blown by sets by Dr Alex Patterson of The Orb. He threw all rules of genre, tempo and beatmatching out the window, and forced the most unlikely things to work by sheer force of will and a couple of effects boxes. So I decided to try and do a darker version of that.
Though the mix is centred around moody electronic dub music, it goes round the houses from pure acid house to orchestral drones and a dozen other things besides, with a lot of echos and filters to blur things into one another. There are exclusives from Pinch (sounding more mental than you've probably ever heard him) and Ekoplekz, plus unreleased material from Estonia's Bisweed and from Lara Rix Martin & Mike Paradinas's new Heterotic project, but also plenty of grubby bits from the archives. And because I like words, it's got lots of (spoken) words in it from Samuel Beckett, John Cage and some other, even odder, souls. DJs always like to quack on about “taking the listener on a journey” – well, this will take you on a journey through the sewers of the collective imagination. I hope you enjoy it."
Joe Muggs - Thousand Tons Dream Mix. Surefire Agency Blog exclusive! by Surefire Agency Blog
Soundcloud download limit has now been reached so you can download from the following link if you missed it:
Joe will be warming things up at Surefire.Sound, playing the opening set from 10pm so make sure you get yourself down early.
Full details right here: